  • How is Custom URLs so we can use "Dealer.OurDomain.comand instead of  ""?

    As previously promised in this update that launched today, which I love having HTML description field! But noticed custom domain was missing

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  • The B2B portal is off to a great start! 

    My #1 problem is that there is no email notification when orders are placed - this is cruicial otherwise we'll miss sending invoices to customers who have placed orders, therefore we can't receive payment.

    I'd also love:

    1. To be able to edit the CSS
    2. To have price-based shipping rules e.g. offer free shipping on orders over $300
    3. For the portal to obey the customer's default tax rule. e.g. in DEAR my prices are inc GST, but I have an international customer who needs to pay ex GST. They're getting GST inclusive prices when ordering via the portal and I have to manually adjust the order by re-calculating the prices myself because DEAR doesn't even recalculate the price if I change the tax rule from GST to GST free exports.

    Thank you 

    3 people like this
  • Hi All,


    Please see updated Development Roadmap ! Stage 3 has an ETA 25/12/2017.


    Stage 4 has not been given a date however you can see all the features we will be implementing based on suggestions posted in this forum.


    Please note we have reviewed every suggestion to date thoroughly, and if your suggestion does not appear in stage 3 or 4 of the development cycle we have decided that it will not be implemented and we have no intention to do so in near future. 

    We are also inviting users to a seperate topic regarding built in shipping calculator. Please post your suggestion here

    Thank you

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  • It would be extremely useful for our business if we could customize the order in which product pictures appeared. Currently, there is no rhyme or reason It doesn't seem dependent on the file upload order, or the file name, so there's no way for me to set things up in the product profile such that images display in a certain order. 

    The visual story of our products is important, as is visual consistency across similar products. We'd really like to be able to set a specific order for imagery! 

    3 people like this
  • I concur what Bear and Nachshon have both said; there needs to be some form of roadmap showing what is being worked on and what is yet to be started and what is not planned.
    At the moment we have no idea on which elements are being progressed and some of the audience here may elect to go out side of Dear for a solution if they cannot see what is being developed.
    A roadmap would also help Dear users decide whether the Portal will give them what they need and when they might get it.  Maybe a vote system for suggestions for improvements/functionality?

    Please give us a progress bulletin and Roadmap with timings.

    We'll then know how far this very useful functionality will go.

    We've yet to see a comment from Dear on this forum and it would be nice to know that comments are 'heard'


    3 people like this
  • It is very frustrating for our customers (and us) that when they pre-pay for an order we usually have to issue another invoice to them for additional shipping charges.  We ship products in a wide range of sizes and weights to people all over the country and these shipments cost vastly different prices to ship so why is there only the option for a set price for shipping in the B2B Portal?  In my experience, it is not common for B2B sellers to offer free or flat-rate shipping so why is this all we have to work with?

    I have requested this before but it is becoming even more of a problem now that we have a lot more customers using the portal: we need the ability for the Portal to calculate shipping charges based on individual orders.  Price tiered, weight tiered, or ideally the ability for the portal to integrate with ShipStation to calculate shipping prices. 

    3 people like this
  • The customer comments when making an order through the B2B Portal need to be moved to the Order Memo field from the Notes field in the header. 

    As the header is collapsed by default staff are missing these comments which are important to see. The order memo is also printed on the packing slip which is very handy.

    3 people like this
  • One issue we've noticed with the B2B portal is that customer credits are not able to be applied when the customer is checking out. This leaves customers that have a credit available having to call or email us an order for the credit to be applied. We believe that the portal should have the option to allow customers to apply a credit to their order in the portal before they pay via the Stripe module.

    3 people like this
  •  Really enjoying the portal so far, though in feedback from our customers, there is need for:

    • An obvious home button, the custom logo performs as one... but it's disguised

    • An obvious "check out" button, the shopping cart image isn't self-explanatory

    • A button to navigate back to the catalogue from the product info pages

    • Elaborate on the backorder/split delivery descriptions:

    1. Make heading "Delivery Options if one or more items are Out of Stock"
    2. "Single Delivery; delay whole order until all items are in stock"
    3. "Multiple Deliveries; ship all available items now, ship currently unavailable items later"

    From our perspective as Portal hosts, it would be great to have:

    • Multiple images, shown in thumbnails beneath the main/hero image, these would need to be custom ordered (e.g.: 1: Product hero image that shows in the catalogue, 2: Higher resolution image shown in Product Info, 3: close-up, etc)

    • An automatic reduction of the image size/resolution for images in the catalogue, reducing load time

    **this is vital** A toggle switch to hide the value of items in the guest log-in (we currently waste a price tier to show $0)

    • Bring back the short description display under product heading on the Product Info pages

    • Move the "description/specification" tabs to the side of the image, some customers don't think to scroll down the page

    3 people like this
  • Flexible shipping fees and discounts

    Theses are the 2 options we need (and probably everyone will also need) to get onboard with the B2B portal.

    1- Discount flexibility : We really need more flexibility on resellers discount. NeoMat3D would need the ability to apply discount depending on quantity of items based on a collection, tags or full cart. We are selling spools of filaments, we apply discount according to the amount of spools ordered, whichever color/width/materials combination. Quantity discount based on single item are not enough. We are ready to start using the B2B portal as soon as this is implemented.

    2- Shipping fees flexibility : We would need to set shipping fees according to ; total order weight (super easy when used with weight of items) or # of items etc. At least some basic function to provide a better estimate to customer.

    At the moment, we could live without shipping fees flexibility by adjusting price including shipping. However after a couples of weeks, it's sure that accounting would complains regarding this as it's false incomes in the books.

    Can we hope for theese to features to be implemented soon so that we have our resellers ordering on the reseller portal themselves?


    François Lahey

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  • Exactly. I have posts where I ask if anyone from Dear is actually reading them. No response. Someone senior from DEAR needs to get involved here and indicate the development roadmap and put something in place where there is actually feedback on this forum. It shouldn’t be a big black hole of comments or a place for people to like each other’s ideas.

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  • Anyone is willing to share examples of their B2B Portal that others of us could view as an example, or if anyone's found workarounds to the lack of subcategories or filtering please share?

    An alternative would be to embed the portal in an iframe in a site that wraps it and could have content pages, etc. but this is also restricted "due to security"

    2 people like this
  • Please add another invitation status "ACCEPTED" so we know the customer received the invite and accepted even if there's still no order activity (at the moment the only way to tell if they accepted is to copy the invitation link and see what page is returned). 



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  • Can't wait for the multilingual functionality! :)

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    I have just successfully fought my way through the process to generate the .PFX file required to point a Custom Domain Name to our Portal. It is now "" instead of "".

    COPYRIGHT: The page is displaying my brand assets and information is underwritten — though still shows "2018 © DEAR SYSTEMS LTD. ALL Rights Reserved." This should be customisable to our business name.

    FAVICON: Also, the favicon (small icon shown on the browser tab) should now display my business favicon—to ensure customers know they have not strayed away from our business website.

    DESIRED OUTCOME: These two areas should be customisable, subsequent to a successful Custom Domain Name

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