
Bulk SKU Updates via Inventory List

started a topic almost 6 years ago

The more research I do the more I see this as a large problem. We've grown and need to re-think our SKU generation strategy. The problem is, we have no way of making bulk SKU changes. We've been advised by DEAR that the only way to change SKUs is to click into each product details page and change it manually.

The simple solution is to add a new column to the Inventory List Export which has the ProductID (which is unchangeable and independent of the SKU). This simple change would allow any changes to the SKU field for any product.

As a developer by trade, I know it would be possible to implement this (and probably quite simple). Even if you're using a NoSQL DB this shouldn't be difficult. I can see a unique ID (separate from the SKU) is generated for each product because it is exposed in the URL and network request (ProductID vs ProductCode):

I think that this feature, while small in nature, would be a huge convenience for your customers and could help you keep the large ones as they grow. As long as DEAR is improving and moving in the right direction I will continue to support and recommend your product. Thank you for your hard work.

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  • Yes definitely needed. In a similar position to you Dustin and would greatly appreciate this feature. So what you're saying is instead of the SKU/ProductCode being the unique identifier you could use the ProductID? Would need to consider the knock on effects this might have on integrations where the SKU/ProductCode is used as the unique identifier between platforms. An alternative could be by bulk update SKUs by csv export/ import. We used to be with Unleashed and they had a really simple csv template with 2 columns: Current SKU and New SKU. You export the template which includes a list of the current SKUs, and you put the new SKU into the New SKU column for those you wish to change, and simply import it back in.

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  • We will add additional CSV template with 'Old SKU', 'New SKU' and Name columns only.    

    7 people like this
  • Same issue. This function would be ideal.

  • We have the same problem, at present I've Written a Zapier ZAP to get the ID of the SKU and dump it into a spreadsheet, then update that ID using the API with the new SKU.

    Its cumbersome, but it works.

    @Dear Support, There is no need to add an additional CSV template and bloat the software unnecessarily. Just ad the ID Column and when importing, have a checkbox that says "Match existing products using ID" if this is checked, it will update all products based on ID, if this is not checked, then it will update based on SKU (and the ID Field can be left blank)

    Very simple, and its also the way most other inventory systems perform the same task.

    3 people like this
  • Hi Dear, any update on this template to do a bulk SKU change? I do not see it on your development roadmap.

    2 people like this
  • This is critical for me as a partner to bring my clients to Dear. Please provide a simple and easy way to accomplish bulk SKU changes as soon as possible.

  • HI. I have used this function - Bulk SKU change  "We will add additional CSV template with 'Old SKU', 'New SKU' and Name columns only."  

    It made the SKU changes ok, However I note that it did not bring across the Name change I made in the Name column... 

    Is this something that needs to be rectified, or will it not allow for any name changing?


  • We are pleased to inform you that we have implemented and released the above suggested feature and you can find further details on the same from the following release note. 

    Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need further assistance.


    The DEAR Team

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